
2013/14 Brags

The wins and great moments that make all the hard work worth it.


Jan. 10, 2015- Marci Thomas and Dixie (Zoom x Cricket) USDAA-Morgan Hill, CA
1st Place P1 Standard, 1st Place PII Gamblers ( fastest and highest score out of all advanced dogs)
2nd Place P1 Jumpers ( 7.31 yps).

Jan 9-11, 2015-Sally Josselyn and Pai (Dare x Hayden)Carolina Piedmont Agility USDAA trial - Raleigh NC
Paiva's only titling class was Masters Gamblers where she earned her
45th Q (Platinum is in sight - just 5 more to go!). In the Dog Agility
Masters Team tournament, she got individual Qs in Snooker and Gamblers,
was the #2 dog in individual points earned in the Championship 22"
height division, and her team "RSvP" went on to be named DAM Team
champions after a hotly contested Relay class :-). Paiva also qualified
in Masters Challenge Jumpers (the last qualification she needed for
Cynosport 2015) and Biathlon.

Jan 18th-Nicole Watts and Dervish (Dare x Eiffel) USDAA Agility Santa Rosa, CA.
Dervish got her third-ever Super Q in Snooker today with a 2nd place out of 30 dogs! Whoohoo! Now just 2 gamble Qs to go for her ADCH. Both dogs did such great work this weekend at the Bay Team's USDAA trial. Here is Dervish's Steeplechase run

Jan 15th-Sara McAulay and Joyo (Bella x Naishe)Odor Recognition Tests: Novato CA
Birch: Pass. 20.5 sec
Anise: Pass. 7.9 sec
Clove: Pass. 12.2 sec

Jan 18th-Sara McAulay and Joyo (Bella x Naishe) USDAA Agility Santa Rosa, CA.
Today's first class for the Boyo was Starters Standard, and I was soooo proud and pleased, even tho it was NQ. He was going so fast that he slid right across the table and fell on his face. Oops. Other than that, it's hard for me to imagine a better run at that level. Even with the table mishap he had the fastest time, and he paid such good attention.
Pairs Q. First place. Gamblers Q. 2nd place. Jumpers Q, first place, 6.6 yps. That was his 3rd Starters Jumpers Q, so we move on to Advanced next time. Good boy!

Jan 25-Kristin Backstrom & Copper (Zoom & Cricket). Copper Handled by Bonnie Griep. ASCA Agility, Ham Lake, Mn GS-O 2nd Leg & Title, 2nd Place

1/31 -2/1/15-Sara McAulay and Joyo (Bella X Naishe)AKC Agility, Santa Rosa CA. Joyo earned his NF, NJ titles with 2nd in both jumpers (.2 sec and .5 sec out of first), and 1st in Sunday FAST -- 77 points, pretty good! Click here to see his novice run

February 7 and 8, 2015-Aimee Kincaid and Shooter (Zoom x Better) AKC obedience, Myakka City, FL. Shooter earned 3rd place Novice B score 194 for his first Novice obedience leg on 2/7/15.
Day two score improved to 197.5 but placement remained 3rd due to my husband and my best friend tying with a 198. My bestie won the runoff. So Shooter got two of the three legs required for his CD his first two trials. I could not be happier with this fine fine Zoom puppy!

February 15, 2015-Marci Thomas and Dixie (Zoom x Cricket) USDAA agility, Turlock, CA. Marci writes: Dixie earned her USDAA SPJ title today with a 6.5something yps run.She also got a PII gamblers Q. Both Qs were 1st places.

February 13-15, 2015-Nicole Watts with Jinn and Dervish USDAA agility, Turlock, CA. Nicole writes: they both were such sweethearts and they try so hard, and to have them each Q 3/3 (including a much needed gamble Q with Dervish!) was such a nice gift, but also I just felt like Dervish was really there, 100 percent. She managed every set of poles and was such a great teammate. Jinn got 2 Q-1sts and a Q-2nd; Dervish got a Q-3rd in Standard with me working contacts and holding the table, and there were only a few dogs that Qed in the whole class. And both ran their half of pairs perfectly.

February 15, 2015-Sara McAulay and Joyo (Bella X Naishe)AKC Agility, Santa Rosa CA. Sara writes: Joyo finished his Novice Standard title at the Puli Club AKC trial in Santa Rosa. Saturday, first place, open JWW and open FAST, 2nd place Nov Standard. Sunday, 2nd place Open FAST

February 21, 2015-Marci Thomas and Dixie (Zoom x Cricket) PASA (ASCA)agility, San Martin, CA. Dixie earned her GS-E title with a 2nd place and she earned one standard leg with a 2nd Place.

February 21-22, 2015-Sara McAulay and Joyo (Bella X Naishe) PASA(ASCA) agility, San Martin,CA. Sara writes: Joyo had a super-exciting and totally brag-worthy ASCA day at the PASA trial in San Martin. He went 6 for 6, with 4 firsts, 2 seconds, in the Open division. Babydog bobbles here and there were more than made up for by perfect start lines, perfect contacts and not a bar down all day. Sunday, on the other hand ... What was that I said about perfect contacts yesterday?? This morning he blew every single one. Spent a lot of time lying down looking not at all contrite while I scowled at him. All this messing around caused us to run out of time in the gamble -- but he did it correctly , including a send to the weaves. I was super happy about that part! In the end Joyo earned two new titles-GS - O and JS-O. See Joyo's Saturday open jumpers. Later Sara found out Joyo was HIT open. Good job!!!

February 21-22, 2015 -Nicole Watts with Jinn and Dervish PASA(ASCA) agility, San Martin, CA.. Nicole writes: ATCH Dervish. Never did I imagine the girlie would get the 4 gamble Qs this weekend that she needed to finish her ASCA championship, but ... she did, finishing it off this morning with a first place gamble run. She was running heart and soul and as good as she could give this weekend, and Qed 11/12 runs and was runner up for High In Trial. See Dervish's ATCH RUN
Jinn Qed in 9/12 runs with 4 Q-1sts and 4 Q-2nd places and one Q-3rd place. All the non Qs were my fault -- sloppy or imprecise handling. He was roaring around having a great time.

February 28-March 1st, 2015-Marci Thomas and Dixie (Zoom x Cricket)VAST (Turlock) CPE
Dixie earned 4 Qs..all with placements in
2Jumpers runs (both runs had fastest yps)
1Jackpot ( like gamblers)
1 Wildcard ( obstacles discrimination course) Pretty darn good month for her.

Feb 28-Kristin Backstrom & Copper (Zoom & Cricket). ASCA Obedience. Hugo, Mn.
Beginner Novice (BN) 1st leg. Score 197.5, 1st place

Feb 28-Kristin Backstrom & Copper (Zoom & Cricket). ASCA Obedience. Hugo, Mn.
Beginner Novice (BN) 2nd leg. Score 198.5, 1st place.

March 2015-Carolyn Piecha and Hook (Zoom x Jemma) Germany. Caro writes: Hook finished his RNX Title after there starts in march :) I wish you all the best from Munich.

Mar 7-Kristin Backstrom & Copper (Zoom & Cricket). Copper Handled by Jodi Ebert. ASCA Agility. Ham Lake, Mn RS-O 3rd leg & Title, 1st place

March 7-8, 2015-Sally Josselyn and Pai (Dare x Hayden)Hog Dog Productions USDAA trial in Millersville, MD. Paiva ran in the
Dog Agility Masters (DAM) Team tournament to help a baby dog earn a Team
qualifier. She certainly held up her end!

Team Jumpers - 3rd place and Q
Team Standard - 3rd place and Q
Team Snooker - 3rd place and Q
Team Gamblers - 1st place and Q

Top Individual dog overall - she earned more points than any other dog
(Championship and Performance) in the tournament :-). She's been top
Championship 22" dog before but this was her first time being top dog
overall! There was another dog that was ahead of her until Gamblers but
that dog didn't have a very good run and Paiva had a fabulous run,
earning 55 points.
Paiva's team finished 2nd overall in the DAM :-).

March 14, 2015 -Nicole Watts with Jinn USDAA Bayteam agility. Nicole writes: Jinn says being almost 11 years old ain't slowed him down yet smile emoticon He can still give those whippersnapper border collies a run for their money. First place performance Grand Prix 16" division in Saturday's Bay Team USDAA trial, giving him a "bye" into round 2 of the USDAA performance grand prix regionals.

March 28-29, 2015-Ginger McMullen with Gemma (Zoom x Better) ASCA agility, Turlock, CA. Ginger writes: Gemma went 3/5 with first place in gamblers rd 1, first place in gamblers rd 2, first place in standard. First trial ever and she earns GS-N her ASCA novice gamblers title.

March 28,29, 2015-Sara McAulay and Joyo (Bella X Naishe) PASA(ASCA) agility, Turlock ,CA. Joyo won Saturday's Elite jumpers (20+), running clean @ 6.7 yps!! He also earned the last leg of his Open Regular title. RS-O. In addition earned his JS-E . Onward!

March 28,29, 2015-Sally Josselyn and Pai (Dare x Hayden)Mid-Atlantic MADness USDAA - Millersville, MD. Paiva was Q/4th in Masters Challenge Biathlon Standard, Q/2nd in Masters
Challenge Biathlon Jumpers, Q/2nd in Biathlon, Super Q/2nd in Snooker.

Apr 4-Kristin Backstrom & Copper (Zoom & Cricket). AKC Rally. Hugo, Mn.
Novice Rally (RN). 1st leg. Score 100, 3rd place.

April 5, 2015-Aimee Kincaid and Shooter(Zoom x Better) AKC obedience trial, Orlando, FL. Aimee writes: I am very proud that Shooter earned his CD today with a second place. He is a very green dog and we did have some distraction issues but he held it together to qualify!
I need 3 more Qs to qualify for the Classic.

April 11, 2015-Sabine Mosler and July(Zoom x She is the one)Germany. Sabine writes: "Yesterday another ASCA Show with July, Stormbringers July Go Wild, Eksel, Belgium: In the morning: 1th start in Obedience Novice B, judge Annette Busheff Cyboron , 1st place, the only qualify of 3, during real bad raining time and very noisy storm, only 176 points, - but 1st start, first leg :-). In the late evening 2nd start in Rally-O Novice B, judge Leah Swatko : 2nd place and 2nd qualify for RN.

Apr 12, 2015-Kristin Backstrom & Copper (Zoom & Cricket). Copper, handled by Jodi Ebert. ASCA Agility. Ham Lake, Mn. JS-E 2nd leg & Title, 3rd place.

April 13 2015-Nicole Watts and Dervish (Dare x Eiffel) USDAA - ADCH Dervish! Dervy gave me an early birthday present and got that last gamblers Q she needed to finish off her USDAA championship. Did it with a Q-2nd in a big class, too. Two championships in 2 months!! Here is the video and the happy-run-around-the-ring celebration after

April 17/18/19, 2015 -Sally Josselyn and Pai (Dare x Hayden) Mid-Atlantic Agility Showcase USDAA - Palmyra, PA. Qs in Snooker, Team Snooker, Jumpers, Team "All Rise!" (all three
handlers are USDAA judges :-) ) Q/4th place in the DAM Team Tournament

April 18-19, 2015-Sara Henderson White and Raven(George x Dell) Lawrence, KS. AKC Agility. Sara writes: we did our first AKC trial last sat-sun and she got 2 QQs (and 1st place in each) in JWW and Std.

April 18-19, 2015-Gina Larson and Do-I(Zoom x Cody lookalike) Silver Bullet Stockdog Trial, Galt, CA. First time Do-I was entered in advanced stock (2 trials per day) she earned her advanced sheep (course F) and duck titles. Her scores through the weekend were consistently 100+.

April 25, 2015-Bev Hurst-K9101 Canada
-Bev writes:Crump(Zoom x Cricket)earned a Masters jumpers Q and a Masters gamblers Q and his Master Gambler Title. Raven did an awesome std (actually both were awesome 2nd one was my mistake) and was first in jumpers with a Q ...pretty good for being off since November 2014 Courses were challenging and the low number of q's reflected this.

April 25, 2015- Anne Graumann, CA (Naishi x Bella) AKC agility-CA. Anne writes: Whiskey finished off his AKC Novice Standard title with a 2nd place at City of Industry today. Good boy! In Novice Jumpers he had a lovely 17.10 second run. It was probably our best run to date, just a knocked bar made it an NQ.

April 25, 2015- Kristin Backstrom & Copper (Cricket X Zoom) AKC Rally. South St. Paul, Mn.
Novice Rally (RN). 2nd leg, score 97.

April 26, 2015-Lorena Proia and Juno (Zoom x Mattie) AKC agility-NH. Lorena writes: So proud of Juju! She finally got her last Excellent leg to give her her title. She did it in style with a first place! She Q'd and placed in every run but her last Jumpers because of a stupid mistake I made. Otherwise she was focused, fast and smooooth despite me. Love this girl!!

May 2/3, 2015-Sandra Magee and Paris (Eiffel x Dare)-CVASC ASCA shows, Paris earned 2 Rally Novice legs scoring 185 and 197 with 3rd Place. She also earned her AKC CGC same day. May 3 she earned her Beginners Novice title scoring 199 with 1st Place. The previous two legs she earned at Delta ASF Sept 6 scoring 197 1/2 with 1st Place; Mar 28 scoring 197 with 2nd Place

May 8-10, 2015-Gina Larson and Do-I(Zoom x Cody Lookalike)Spring Turnout, Frenchtown MT. Working trial. Do-I won both a.m and p.m cattle on Sunday, to finish Her WTCH. She was high combined cattle for Sunday and High Combined non WTCH for the trial. She also placed 1st in a.m. sheep and 2nd in p.m sheep.

May 9, 2014-Nicole Watts with Jinn and Dervish-AKC agility, CA.We went today to our first AKC trial in almost a year, for a couple of runs with each dog. Jinn (running in the preferred division) got two Q-1sts and his first-ever Double Q! Dervish got her second Open JWW Q with a lovely run except for one mess-up near the start that was due to my bad handling decision, but since they forgive you one refusal in Open, we got the Q. She had a gorgeous Excellent standard run-- her first time in Excellent -- but ticked the 2nd to last bar, a triple . But she did the most beauteous weaves ever, and did the most perfect d/w with an off-course tunnel entrance staring at her just feet away. Here is inn's Masters Standard run-- I had fun on the four jump lead out!!

May 9, 2015-Marci Thomas and Dixie (Zoom x Cricket)passed birch ort

May 16/17, 2015 -Sally Josselyn and Pai (Dare x Hayden) - Artful Dodgers USDAA - Millersville, MD. I was trial secretary so definitely not playing my best game but Paiva still managed
to win 22" Grand Prix for a Regional Semi-Finals bye and earn Qs in
Masters Pairs and Masters Snooker.

May 17, 2015- Kristin Backstrom & Copper (Cricket X Zoom) ASCA Obedience. Burnsville, Mn. Beginner Novice (BN). Bonus leg, score 198. 1st Place.

May 17- Kristin Backstrom & Copper (Cricket X Zoom) ASCA Obedience. Burnsville, Mn.
Beginner Novice (BN). 3rd leg, score 198.5. 1st Place. This was our title leg

May 23, 2015- Kristin Backstrom & Copper (Cricket X Zoom) AKC Rally. St. Peter, Mn.
Novice Rally (RN). 3rd leg, score 100. 3rd place. This was our title leg

May 23, 2015 -Nicole Watts with Jinn and Dervish AKC agility-Dixon, CA. Dervish went 3/3 today with 3 Q-1sts, and she finished her AKC Open JWW title and got her first Excellent Standard Q and also got an Open FAST Q. Jinn had a lovely Masters JWW run too, with a Q-1st, but I made him knock a bar on standard. Click here for Dervish's excellent standard run

May 24, 2015- Kristin Backstrom & Copper (Cricket X Zoom) AKC Rally. St. Peter, Mn.
Novice Rally (RN). Bonus leg, score 100. 2rd place. Copper's handler has physical issues in the ring. He works like a champ despite the issues, and gets repeated compliments from judges, stewards and fellow competitors.

May 23/24, 2015 -Sally Josselyn and Pai (Dare x Hayden) - HogDog Productions USDAA - Millersville, MD. Paiva earned Qs in Pairs, Snooker (both days, 1 Super Q), Jumpers, and Masters
Challenge Biathlon Standard. She has a 50% Super Q rate in Snooker with
40 of her 79 Qs in Snooker being Super Qs :-).

May 24, 2015-Sandra Magee and Paris (Eiffel x Dare)- WASOC shows, Paris earned her Rally Novice title scoring 198 with 2nd Place. Earned Rally Novice X title scoring 196 with 3rd Place

May 23-24, 2015-Sara McAulay and Joyo (Bella X Naishe) ASCA/NNASC agility. Sara writes: For the weekend, Joyo received 3 elite jumpers Q's (2 1st place, averaging about 6.4 yps); 2 elite gamblers Q's (1 1st place - 84 points!!); 2 elite regular Q's,. He earned is Elite gamble title!!.

May 23-24,2015-Rick Lowry and Joy (Zoom x Shiloh).COAST stockdog trial, King City, CA.Joy earned her advanced sheep and duck titles.

May 30/31, 2015 -Sally Josselyn and Pai (Dare x Hayden) Flexible Flyers USDAA, Barto PA - Paiva was fabulous, plain and simple Smile. Out of 9 runs, she was clean on 8 of them (including another win in Masters Snooker and her 50th Super Q for which I've come up with a new fictitious title "Super Q Platinum" Laughing). Unfortunately, she had 5 faults in Masters Challenge Biathlon Standard and with 10 or so dogs going double clear, the cutoff score for qualifying in the Biathlon Tournament was quite low. Paiva missed it by a meager 1.72 seconds. Normally 5 faults on the combined courses would still mean a Q but not this time! Lesson learned - pay more attention to the scores of your competitors so you know if you need to push for speed!

May 30, 2015-Sara McAulay and Joyo (Bella x Naishe) Sara writes: Green grass. Pleasant weather. Nice folks and their amazing dogs. A weekend of USDAA agility at the Evergreen Valley College campus in San Jose -- practically my back yard!
Most of my time was spent in the Starters/Advanced ring, where Joyo ran wonderfully, except for his 2 6-pt Snookers. (Oh well!) He finished his advanced Gamblers title, so next time we do USDAA he'll run with the Big Dogs in Masters. We do seem destined to spend the rest of our lives in Starters Standard tho. I'm starting to feel snake-bit. He had 2 spectacular standard runs this weekend, both of them NQ. I don't know what he did wrong on Saturday. I thought he was clean, friends high-5'd me, and I even filled out a move-up form, since that was his third Q in that class. But when I thought to check his placement, he had 5 faults. Say what?!? I can only assume he missed an up contact, since everything else was spot on. Today's effort was less of a mystery. He half slipped, half jumped off the pause table. Ah well. Everything else was lovely, and I was happy with my boyo. He finished the weekend with a win in advanced jumpers, 6.6 yps. Yowza!

May 30/31, 2015-Cathy Kenny and Lily (Eiffel x Dare)TX. Cathy writes: This past weekend I took ( still mostly bald ) Lily to New Mexico. She never got last place in her class, and came home with 2 RWB! One from SBJ Clarissa Shank and another from BJ Lindy Patrick. Both were to 5 pt majors.

May 31, 2015-Gina Larson and Do-I(Zoom x Cody Lookalike) ASCA posts the results of the 2014/15 Merit awards. Do-I finishes 3rd in the nation for sheep and cattle.

June 5, 2015- Gina Larson and Dani (George x Dell)ASCA conformation, Boise ASC. Dani was RWB under senior breeder Judge, Rhonda Silveria.

June 6, 2015-Marci Thomas and Dixie (Zoom x Cricket)AKC agility, San Jose, CA
1st place in excellent Jww to give her her AXJ.

June 13,2015-Greg 7 Crystal Porter and West (Eiffel x Dare) MA. Not all brags are about competition. Crystal writes:
Just thought I would mention what a fabulous big brother West is to my now 7 month old. He doesn't get to compete in agility very much anymore, but he deserves brags anyway... he is an absolutely amazing dog to have transitioned from training and playing all the time to being a nanny. He lets my daughter do anything to him and loves every second of it. Love this dog, thanks Gina

June 12, 2015-Gina Larson and Do-I(Zoom x Cody Lookalike) .TVASC Payette ID. ASCA stockdog trial. Do-I is first in cattle and HIT cattle.

June 13/14, 2015-Aimee Kincaid and Shooter(Zoom x Better) VENICE Kennel Club, Tampa Florida Saturday June 13, Shooter (Coolibah's Straight Shooter, CD, BN, RN.)) took 3rd place in Novice B with a 190.5. Sunday he took 2nd place in Novice B with a 190.5. Both days he did a real nice job with just some green dog mistakes.

June 21, 2015 -Nicole Watts with Jinn-Redwood Dog Sports Center ASCA trial in Eugene, OR. Nicole writes: Jinn needed 1.5 more regular Qs to finish his ATCH V-- first time in his life that he did NOT need Gamble Qs to finish! He did some lovely work and finished the ATCH V,

June 20/21, 2015-Aimee Kincaid and Shooter(Zoom x Better)Savannah obedience trial, Saturday June 20, 2nd place Novice B with a 192.5. Still had a couple green dog things that will clean up with experience. So today, he qualified to enter the AKC CLASSIC in Orlando in December.
Sunday, June 21, much better run, Shooter took 1st place with a 196. He has Qd 14 out of the 16 times he's been in the ring and placed every time. What a good good dog!

June 27, 2015-Marci Thomas and Dixie (Zoom x Cricket)AKC agility. Marcie writes:master FAST Q 3rd place. Earned her AKC AXJ title June 6th.

June 27, 2015-Kristin Backstrom and Copper (Zoom x Cricket)AKC agility, Burnsville Mn. AXJ 1st leg with 4nd place and AX leg with 4th place.

June 27, 2014-Nicole Watts with Dervish-AKC agility, CA. Nicole writes: Dervish got her first-ever AKC Double Q June 27 with 2 Q-1sts in AKC Excellent Standard and JWW, even though it is not an "official" QQ because she is competing in AKC Excellent not Masters, because she is still working towards her Excellent titles. She stayed at the start, nailed every contact and the weaves, and kept every bar up. Whoohooo!! Here is her Excellent JWW run (probably one of the nicest she's had ever)-

June 29, 2015-Sabine Mosler and July(Zoom x She is the one) ASCA trial-Belgium. Sabine writes: July and I have had another Rally-O start in belgium this weekend. She finished her RNX-titel with one 199/200 points score and HIT Novice on saturday and 195/200 points on sunday (handler error...) an 4th place in Novice B. She has had 4 starts for her RNX.

June 29, 2015-Sara McAulay and Joyo (Bella x Naishe) Sara writes: AKC: Joyo got his OAJ title, and picked up some other Q's. Here is his Open Standard run. The course was almost identical to the one for Masters/Excellent, and I think the weave entry was actually more difficult. The run felt great in the moment, but here in the video I can see him not really sticking his teeter, and leaving before release on the DW. Homework! Still I was (and am) really pleased.

June 30, 2015-Kristin Backstorm and Copper (Zoom x Cricket) - TDI (Therapy Dog Intenational)

July 4-6, 2015-Sara Henderson White and Raven(George x Dell) Lawrence, KS. Sara writes: Raven got her NA today. First title! Had 2 bad jww runs de to me. She got an Open Std leg yesterday and her second Novice JWW leg.

July 11, 2015-Marci Thomas and Dixie (Zoom x Cricket)AKC agility, CA. Marci writes: MASTER Fast Q. 4th place. :). 3rd place in non regular class Wake up and Weave. Had an amazing Master JWW run but caused a knocked bar on triple.

June 10-12, 2015-Gina Larson and Do-I(Zoom x Cody Lookalike) ASC of MT stockdog trial. Do-I earned 7 points for 2016 ASCA nationals including HIT sheep Sunday afternoon.

July 11-12, 2015-Sara McAulay and Joyo (Bella x Naishe) AKC agility. Sara writes: You'd have been proud of him last weekend if you came early Saturday, then went away until late Sunday afternoon :-) He started and ended with absolutely brilliant jumpers runs -- 2nd place Sat, 1st place Sun. In between, though ... lots of reminders that he is still very much a baby dog! I have spoken to him sternly. He gave me a big smile and a kiss, cuz that's who he is. Love him to pieces.

July 18, 2015-Bev Hurst-K9101 Canada-Rowdy (George x Dell). Bev writes: Rowdy had great day. Once he got over the sheep herding in the next ring. His first two rally advance were not . He wanted to play with sheep his 3rd round was a fast 2minutes with a perfect 200 score. In disc he placed 6th out of -a large field. Crump (Zoom x Cricker) was also super boy in disc but a bad throw and a wind gust made the disc go wonky. Back at k9 fest tomorrow for disc n agility.

Aug. 9, 2015-Gina Larson and Dani(George x Dell) Dani finishes her ASCA Championship under Sr. Breeder Judge Marge Stovel, going WB and BOW.

Aug. 12, 2015-Sara McAulay and Joyo (Bella x Naishe)PASA ASCA: RS-E title.

Aug. 24, 2015-Gina Larson and Do-I(Zoom x Cody Lookalike)Do-I earns her RTD cattle and sheep at the ASC of MT. Lewiston trial under judge Betty Williams. Do-I was HIT sheep and HIT Aussie Cattle.

Sept. 7, 2015-Gina Larson and Do-I(Zoom x Cody Lookalike) Do-I goes HIT sheep under judge Steve Shope.

Sept. 20, 2015-Gina Larson and Do-I(Zoom x Cody Lookalike) Do-I goes HIT sheep under judge John Knepper.

Sept. 20, 2015-Sara McAulay and Joyo (Bella x Naishe) Irish Setter Club AKC: Open Agility title.

Sept 27, 2015-Ginger McMullen and Gemma (Zoom x Better).Ginger writes: Gemma finished her NA agility title today. We are still trying to work with her speed, but she is amazing and trying hard. She qualified each time she ran with a 4th, 1st and 3 rd place. I'm very proud of my girl!

Sept. 27-28, 2015-Sara McAulay and Joyo (Bella x Naishe) Sara writes: PASA ASCA: Saturday I was hammered by allergies; could barely walk, let alone run. Fortunately Nicole Watts was willing to run Joyo for me in the 2 Regular classes, for the wild boyo's only Q's of the day. It was a real pleasure to watch her handle him. Thanks, Nicole!
I loaded up on Zirtec-D on Sunday and felt well enough to run both dogs in all 5 classes. Managed a Regular and 2 Jumpers Qs with Joyo (yay, him, yay me!).

Oct. 2-4, 2015-Sara McAulay and Joyo (Bella x Naishe)Sara writes: NNASC ASCA, Carson City: Road trip! We love this trial. Joyo got his 10th post-title Elite Jumpers Q, for his JS-E OP!

Oct. 2015 Kristin Backstrom and Copper (Zoom x Cricket) - AKC Rally Advanced legs with title (RA). Placements were all 1st places with scores that ranged from 90-100.

Oct. 8, 2015 Kristin Backstrom and Copper (Zoom x Cricket)-ASCA MASC Obedience trial in Burnsville Mn. 2 legs of ASCA Novice obedience title. 1st leg score 195.5 with a 4th place, 2nd leg score of 197.5 with a 3rd place. Copper was High Scoring Aussie at that second trial.

10/24/2015-Sally Josselyn and Pai (Dare x Hayden). Sally writes: Dark N Stormy" places 5th out of 201 teams at Cynosport !"

Nov., 2015 Kristin Backstrom and Copper (Zoom x Cricket) -AKC Rally Excellent legs with title (RE). Placements were all first places and scores ranged from 89-100.

Nov. 2, 2015-Sabine Mosler/Stormbringer Aussies,Germany-July (Zoom x Jenna) Sabine writes: July has had a great obedience weekend. Saturday she was 2nd in O1 (V 2) and has qualified for the next class, sunday she was 1st in O1 (SG 1). Great little lady smile emoticon. I'm very happy with that, because we have had really little training!

Nov. 8, 2015-Sara McAulay and Joyo (Bella x Naishe) Sara writes: SMART USDAA: Finally got the elusive 3rd Starters Standard for his AD title. Also picked up his Starters Snooker title.

Nov. 11, 2015-Sara Henderson and Raven(George x Dell). Sara writes:Raven has both her AKC NA and NAJ now. Not bad for only having done 3 competitions.

Nov. 29, 2015 Kristin Backstrom and Copper (Zoom x Cricket)- AKC Obedience and Rally Trial. St. Paul Mn. Copper had 3 classes to show in, but he was a trouper. 1st leg for Beginner Novice with a score of 198 and a 1st place. And also a Rally Advanced Excellent leg (his first RAE leg). Advanced score was 96 with a 4th place and Excellent score was 98 with a 2nd place.

December....from Kristin Backstrom with Copper (Zoom X Cricket). Kristin writes: I love my dog! He worked so fine for his 1st BN leg in November that someone wrote to a mutual friend of ours and gushed over his performance. He was absolutely awesome (IMO), and I think he was fabulous this whole year in everything that he did for me. It takes a special dog that is willing to work with a handicapped handler.

Dec. 6 2015-Sara McAulay and Joyo (Bella x Naishe) and Susan Laurson and Oliver (George x Dell). Sara writes: Did you know that Joyo and Oliver paired up at the BayTeam trial and won Advanced Pairs on Saturday? Go Windmill!

Dec. 6-7, 2015-Sara McAulay and Joyo (Bella x Naishe) Sara writes: BayTeam USDAA: Went 5 for 8, 6 first places (no 22" qualifiers in Saturday's Advanced Snooker). He had been completely wild at the ASCA trial 2 weeks earlier, causing me to do some serious thinking about changes I needed to make. So far, so good! I was able to stay in contact with him MUCH better, and he turned in some lovely runs. Finished his AJ title, and moves up to Masters next time. <nail-bite time!>

Dec. 16, 2015-Ginger McMullen and Gemma (Zoom x Better). Ginger writes: "I had the pleasure of working with Loretta Mueller yesterday. What a great day and an incredible instructor. She told me that Gemma has some of the fastest ground speed that she has seen. No wonder I struggle to keep up with her!" See her video

2015-Aimee Kincaid and Shooter (Zoom x Better) Aimee writes: Coolibah's Straight Shooter, RN, BN, PCD, CD
Showed in Novice at the AKC Obedience Classic. Though he did not place in the top 10 of 72 novice dogs, he performed beautifully in a large, very noisy environment... lost all points on his long down in the first of three novice runs due to something biting his butt. ..would have been a 196.5. Next two runs clean with a 195 and a 194.5. He placed second in preferred novice in the two pre trials (197.5, 196). In the pre trials he was ineligible to show in regular novice since he won a High In Trial right before that trial closed.
At 2 1/2 years old, this was a huge accomplishment!

Kristin Backstrom and Copper (Zoom X Cricket)-Achievements noted in 2015
ASCA 2015- 11th Novice Obedience Merit
ASCA 2015- 7th Novice Obedience Finals
USASA 2015- 1st Place Excellent A& Advanced A Rally
USASA 2015- 2nd Place Novice B Rally



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